Benjamin Brawley
An inspired teacher at Morehouse College, Howard University, and Shaw University, Benjamin Brawley (1882–
1939) was also a prolific writer. His book, A Short History of the American Negro was followed by Africa and the War, The Negro in Literature and Art in the United States, Women of Achievement, History of the English Hymn, The Negro Genius, and many other books. Brawley's work was informed by scholarship in black history but he declared "what we want is that every boy and girl shall receive the full promise of American life."
1939) was also a prolific writer. His book, A Short History of the American Negro was followed by Africa and the War, The Negro in Literature and Art in the United States, Women of Achievement, History of the English Hymn, The Negro Genius, and many other books. Brawley's work was informed by scholarship in black history but he declared "what we want is that every boy and girl shall receive the full promise of American life."